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Baldurs Gate 3 Best Level 1 Spells Sorcerer

**Baldur's Gate 3: Black Flame Guide** **August 17, 2023** Black Flame is a level one spell in Baldur's Gate 3 that deals damage over time instead of immediately injuring an opponent. It is an excellent crowd control option, allowing players to quickly weaken multiple enemies with a single cast. **Spell Description:** Black Flame hurls three rays of fire that each deal 2d6 damage per round for one minute. The spell can target up to three different enemies within range. **Advantages of Black Flame:** * Deals damage over time, allowing players to weaken enemies gradually. * Can target up to three enemies, making it a great crowd control option. * Relatively low spell slot cost, making it accessible even for early-level Sorcerers. **Disadvantages of Black Flame:** * Does not deal immediate damage, which can be problematic against high-health enemies. * Requires concentration, meaning players cannot cast other concentration spells while Black Flame is active. **Overall:** Black Flame is a versatile and effective spell that can provide significant crowd control in combat. It is a useful addition to any Sorcerer's spellbook, particularly in early-game scenarios.
